Does your child need help reviewing the Catholic catechism answers? The Ten Commandments? The Catholic prayers?
Do you wish you had a catechism tutor to say the right words the right way so that your children can review on their own?
Do you wish you had dependable Catholic content for penmanship and handwriting class?
Maybe you would like Catholic coloring pages for the Rosary, the seasons of the Liturgy, and the sacraments? Scroll this page to #3 to find seasonal catechism ideas.
Well, you've come to the right place for:
You'll find worksheets, audio Baltimore Catechism, Catholic coloring pages, and prayers for Catholic religion class, homeschool, and Sunday school.
You print. The children practice. Personalize your lesson plans with easy digital practice worksheets and activities.
Saint Anne's Helper Roman Catholic catechism teaches what the Catholic Church teaches.
We champion the priests, religious, teachers and parents who teach the Faith to those in their care. Thank you for all the good that you do!
These days everyone can use some help. The challenge is real. Many people do not know the fundamentals of the Catholic Faith.
How do we navigate the omissions, revisions, and unmarked editions? Catechesis, teaching the catechism, is the answer and I am here to help.
The gold standard of catechetical instruction is the Baltimore Catechism. It is a faithful presentation of the Faith in a concise format.
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Welcome to Saint Anne's Helper catechism resources where we help you teach your children the Catholic faith. It's actually easy!
First? Pray.
Next? Relax. Seriously, each year or each sacrament usually covers only seventy to ninety questions.
One or two good Q&A catechism lists, a Catholic Bible, and a saints book and you're set.
One fourth of your students will be able to learn the answers without extra help.
The rest? Watch, teach, and pray.
We are here to help you. You can make the Baltimore Catechism fun and make wonderful memories as you go. You'll know you're in the right place if
Did I mention praying? Praying to do our duties as catechists, educators, and parents yields very good results. Then pray for your students and all who are in your care. We do. And we pray for you as a visitor daily.
Helpful Hint: Prayer asks, sacrifice obtains. If you've ever wondered how to increase your prayer power, join your prayers with sacrifice. That's how great saints like St. John Vianney had great power with God.
Do you know anyone searching for an adaptive Catholic catechism?
Well, our audiobooks are the perfect solution to helping autistic children and adults know the main truths of the Catholic Faith. Easy. Simply listen and learn.
Without a diagnosed difficulty it still remains that some children respond very well to using headphones or earbuds. This makes it much easier on you to teach the children and easier on them to learn the answers.
Seriously; if you know anyone needing our downloads, please direct them to contact me through our contact page and I will send the downloads free as soon as I see their email. There's no need to make learning the Faith hard. I do this many times per year.
Be encouraged. I have always wanted to put our worksheets on this site as free individual resources; yet time has not yet allowed. I dearly want to help where I can.
What made me think of adapted services is that I was asked one day about confession for non-verbal children and others joined me with some very good ideas. Confession can be a challenge for children with apraxia, meaning that they cannot speak to Father; yet that does not mean they cannot go to confession.
Some ideas were to have the Ten Commandments on cards to keep in a 3x5 box or even a simple Examination of Conscience to circle what needed to be confessed. A simple note works, too, if they can write or if you can write down a word or two. Do not add names. EVER. Notes do get lost.
The main thing for children to know about Communion is to be able to distinguish the time during Mass where the bread becomes Jesus. Simple. Before the Consecration the white wafer is bread. After the Consecration, It is Jesus.
Next is being able to go to confession. We all need to be familiar with the Ten Commandments; yet being able to discern a mortal sin from a venial sin is key. If a child cannot discern the difference, that child is not ready for the sacrament of Penance or the Holy Eucharist except in danger of death.
Here's a quick way to know that I have learned from the beautiful Sisters who taught our children: Give a quick quiz of ten situations like these.
Then ask the children to discern mortal sin or venial sin for each of the situations. They can write M or V or they can simply tell you the answer by speaking or pointing to the answer.
Anyway, this shows a lovely way to know if a person is of the age of reason and thereby able to receive the sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist.
Here's what I've found: Our coloring pages are our most popular product.
Yet here's what goes with them: Our worksheets help you teach the beautiful Catholic faith that goes with the beautiful Catholic coloring pages. Use them both to combine saints, catechism and even penmanship classes. We have now bundled the downloads.
Since the catechism is generally the same throughout the years, you can use these catechism printables for many years to come. Levels?
One danger in having a stack of twelve books for different levels is that so many books make learning religion look overwhelming.
Yes, the material grows in depth, yet it's super helpful at any age to realize that the Catholic Faith is simple and it is the same throughout the years.
You'll use the same Apostle's Creed, Ten Commandments, and prayers; just higher level topics each new year.
Our downloads excel at helping your students review the Catholic catechism beliefs.
Use the Baltimore Catechism?
Disclosure: I show products that I think will help you. If you use my links, I may earn ad commissions at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Do your children know the Catholic Ten Commandments?
Do you know them yourself?
They're easy to learn and they cover all of ethics which also covers politics - with absolute certitude, so it's important for all of us to know them.
For a Q&A format with good answers the Baltimore Catechism is excellent during the early school years.
Did you know that the Baltimore was the interim catechism while The Catechism of the Councl of Trent was being translated?
Finding a truly good Roman Catholic catechism is important in today's environment. Every word matters. The Catechism of the Council of Trent is what is known as the Roman Catechism and is excellent for high school and adults.
Why? It's important to final perseverance to "get it right". Certitude helps perseverance.
Catholic Truth. God made us to seek truth, but how can you find and pursue in the Truth with fluffy or compromised books? Especially in today's circumstances? Choose solid books that no one refutes. Usually, they're older books and those that were written by saints.
Another thing, often in our days, the whole family learns the Catholic beliefs together at the same time. Saint Anne's Helper shows adults the quick way to higher understanding and gives you resources to make it interesting for your children. Think of a child's catechism as Cliffs Notes, an outline of the principles.
The more sacraments you receive, the more prayers you pray, and the better the books that you feed your mind and your children's minds; the better lives you will live.
The goal is a happy Catholic family all together in Heaven.
How do we choose good Catholic books?
First, ask others for their recommendations, especially a good Catholic priest. Next, discern for yourself. Believe me, I have bought more books called "Catholic" than I could recommend as truly Catholic. I hope in this website to share the best Catholic books to save you the expense of owning duds.
The following list is most of what I found is true in our First Communion and Confirmation downloads, not just because I think so; but because these are what good Catholic priests, nuns, and laity have used. Our products are:
I also make many Catholic book recommendations and do offer higher level suggestions for adults as well as for Catholic homeschool.
Why is Saint Anne our patroness? She is the patroness of those who teach their own children. She can help you teach your children or your catechism class about Baptism, the Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, and the general truths with an audio Baltimore Catechism.
She is also the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. She can help us in our duties as parents and grandparents.
Pray for Saint Anne's protection for yourself and for all whom you teach. We do. Daily. :-)
Our printable coloring ebook has 483 coloring printables, many of which are throughout this site as free samples.
This way you have easy access to Catholic PDF coloring pages in your own computer's files without having to be online... and the children can make their own gifts or keepsake coloring books throughout the year! They are also interactive meaning that you or the children can use a keyboard to type on them before printing. This is super handy for feast days and holy days.
Use the Baltimore Catechism?
Catholic catechism resources for your Roman Catholic catechism class, Faith formation, Catholic homeschool, religious education, or Sunday school lessons. Save on bundles!
Order our Baltimore Catechism worksheets. Choose your favorite fonts, colors, and SIZES on our fillable digital interactive worksheets and coloring pages. Paperless or printable.
Baltimore Catechism Communion single or bundled downloads: audio, ebooklet, and digital worksheets for kids and adults. Verbatim text in all formats.