I Love These Catholic Mother Goose Poems

by Mother of Ten
(Louisville, KY)

Each of my three young children were required to memorize a poem from this book for their NTI at the beginning of the school year to put on a poem reading when school went in-house.

*My 1st grader had no problems learning Jack Be Nimble.

*My 3rd grade daughter had to memorize Sing a Song of Sixpence.

*My 4th grader had to learn Georgie Porgy.

I fell in love with all these poems. They have convinced me to buy the whole book because I love the fact that these poems will help my children keep their Faith in mind all day, not just during Religion class.

My children were excited to have such beautiful poems to recite.

Mary's Reply:

Thank you so much for your note!

Yes, I was delighted when I read these Catholic themed poems from the Mother Goose Rhymes, too. It's the way all books should be written!

They help kids remember some Catholic truths and give a bit of a perspective about Catholic life as well.

Candles and altar boys anyone? :-)

Incorporating these poems into school work is a great idea. Even when families must do school at home in these crazy days, they can recite while in online classes, too.

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Leane's Catholic Mother Goose book is available at Amazon here.

Others may see more notes and photos from inside the book here.

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