Pentecost Coloring Page

This Pentecost coloring page shows the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove descending on Mary and the Apostles and tongues of fire and other images.

Many other disciples were in the Upper Room as well.

Great Confirmation symbol, Third Glorious Mystery, and Bible story coloring page for Acts Chapter 2. 

These PDFs print to 8.5x11" single sided. See four coloring pages below.

Saint Anne's Helper Audio Baltimore Catechism CDs and downloads.
Catholic Coloring Pages To Print Ebook

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Pentecost Is Fifty Days After Easter

Pentecost Sunday is ten days after Ascension Thursday which is forty days after Easter. It is a movable feast as it's date depends on Easter which depends on the full moon.

Pentecost, or Whit Sunday, is when the Holy Ghost descended on the Apostles and Mary. Children love to learn about this extra special victory for Jesus - it's fun to know how He sent the Holy Spirit to comfort His disciples.

I like to note that the Apostles stayed close to Mary all that time and that is what we should do when we are grieved or scared. Mary will help us. 

Pentecost is also a symbol for Confirmation.

Pentecost Sunday or Whitsunday

Pictorial Lives Of The Saints Stories

From Pictorial Lives of the Saints, with Reflections for Every Day in the Year (Amazon), from Butler's Lives. Imprimatur, 1878.

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Pictorial Lives of the Saints

Fifty days after Easter the apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ were assembled in an upper chamber, engaged in prayer, according to the recommendation of the divine Master, and awaiting the accomplishment of the promise He had made to them, of sending them a Comforting Spirit, the Paraclete, Who should teach them all things. Lo! a great noise, as of a rushing tempest, was suddenly heard, the house was rocked to and fro, and tongues of fire were seen resting on the head of each one. 

At once all were changed into new men, their minds being endowed with full understanding of the Scriptures and of the wonders they had hitherto witnessed without comprehending, and their souls were tilled with strength from on high; thenceforth they belonged no more to themselves, but to the work of the Gospel. 

From that time forth this divine Spirit has not ceased to pour Himself forth upon the Church to enlighten, confirm, protect, and guide; He has not ceased communicating Himself to each of the faithful individually, either by means of the sacraments or by grace, whenever He has found hearts well disposed. 

Choose a Pentecost coloring page at the bottom of this page.

The Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

What are the Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit?

The Fathers of the Church and all theologians are of one mind in recognizing, in the workings of the Holy Ghost in the hearts of the faithful, seven chief gifts: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and the Fear of the Lord. 

  1. The gift of Wisdom helps us to judge healthily of all things concerning our last end;
  2. The gift of Understanding, to apprehend the truths revealed, and to submit our hearts thereto;
  3. The gift of Counsel, to choose in all things the part best fitted for the sanctification of our souls; 
  4. The gift of Fortitude, to resist temptations and overcome dangers; 
  5. The gift of Knowledge, to discern the best means of sanctifying ourselves; 
  6. The gift of Piety, or Godliness, causes us to love religion and the practices having reference to divine worship; 
  7. The gift of the Fear of the Lord turns us aside from sin and from whatever may displease God. 

Reflection.—"They that are according to the flesh mind the things that are of the flesh; but they that are according to the Spirit mind the things that are of the Spirit. For the wisdom of the flesh is death; but the wisdom of the Spirit is life and peace."

Four More Pentecost Coloring Pages

Stained Glass Pentecost Coloring Page With The 12 Apostles And Mary And Tongues Of Fire

Stained Glass Dove Holy Spirit Coloring Page

Buy Our Saint Anne's Helper Ad-free PDF Catholic Coloring Pages to Print

Downloadable Catholic Coloring Pages to Print

Over 200 Catholic digital pictures to print.

Bonus: Christmas, Easter, animals, patriotic and more! Catholic Coloring Book Download. Ad-free PDF. 

See sample coloring pages here.

If you use the Baltimore Catechism, you'll love Saint Anne's Helper!

Catechism Pentecost Coloring Page

Downloadable Catholic Coloring Pages to Print

Over 200 Catholic digital pictures to print.

Bonus: Christmas, Easter, animals, patriotic and more! Catholic Coloring Book Download. Ad-free PDF. 

See sample coloring pages here.

Stained Glass Pentecost Coloring Page

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Audio Baltimore Catechism, Catholic Worksheets, Catholic eBooks, and Catholic Coloring Pages:

Catholic catechism resources for your Roman Catholic catechism class, Faith formation, Catholic homeschool, religious education, or Sunday school lessons. Save on bundles!

Order our Baltimore Catechism worksheets. Choose your favorite fontscolors, and SIZES on our fillable digital interactive worksheets and coloring pages. Paperless or printable.

First Communion Preparation Baltimore Catechism No. 1 For Children And Adults - Or get the bundle.

Baltimore Catechism Communion single or bundled downloads: audio, ebooklet, and digital worksheets for kids and adults. Verbatim text in all formats. 

Baltimore Catechism Confirmation Preparation: Audio, Worksheets, eBooklet - or all 3 bundled.